jeudi 29 novembre 2012

Critics of Brzezinski's theory

My transcription is from a speech of the analyst Mike Ruppert about the book of Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Great Chessboard : american primacy and the geostrategic objectives. It begin at minute one and end at minute two and twenty nine seconds.

Mike Ruppert : If you want to get really, really, really angry, go buy this book. It's called the Great chessboard : american primacy and the geostratégic objectives, written by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1997. I want to read you some quotes from that book.
Page xii, it's the very first words in the book. « The last decade of the Xxth century witness a tectonic shift in world affairs. For the first time, a non eurasian power has emerged not only as a key arbiter of the eurasian power relations, but also as the world dominant power. The defeat and the collapse of the Soviet Union was the final step in the rapid ascendence of the western hemisphere power, the United States as the sole and indeed the first trully global superpower (page xii, it's in the preface). But in the meantime, it's imperative that no eurasian challenger […] emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America. The formulation of a comprehensive and integrated eurasian geostrategy is therefore the purepose of this book. »

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